Devotional – August 2, 2013

Does it ever seem to you that what might seem to be a coincidence might be just a little more than that?  It happens to me every now and then, when something occurs that is pretty hard to dismiss as a random event.  I can’t say specifically how these come about, but I do believe that by being part of a community of faith and having opportunities to relate to one another makes it possible for some interesting connections and interactions.

Such as (here’s my point, and yes, I do have one!) this incident from last week.  First I have to back up a little over five years.  I’d had two surgeries for breast cancer and, of course, all the stress and anxiety that goes with this experience.  I’d received wonderful support and been remembered in prayer by family, neighbors, and my good church family at St. Andrew.  After about three months, we kind of came up for air, had a treatment plan that didn’t involve chemo or radiation, and began to feel closer to normal.  Also about that time, my friend Eleanore gave me a hand-crocheted “prayer shawl” from St. Andrew, a lovely, thoughtful gesture, to remind me that I was being wrapped in loving prayers.  About that time, spring was arriving, the weather was warming up and I wasn’t putting it to use, so it was added to the assortment in my linen closet.

Last week, I did a serious straightening up in that closet (feeling like such a good housewife) and looked at that shawl for the umpteenth time, and said, “That needs to go where it can serve its purpose.”  Since I had a meeting at church that evening, I took it with me and asked Pastor Ed where I could put it so it could be passed on — telling him it had “good vibes” or something equally silly.  He said he knew just what to do with it, as Eleanore’s daughter was undergoing surgery the next morning at UIHC and he could have his wife, Cindy, a chaplain there, take it to her with our prayers and good wishes.  Hmmmm.  That just doesn’t seem random to me, and I’m not sure if it can be categorized.  But I’d say it is a thought-provoking “coincidence” that reminds us how very interconnected we are as members of God’s family.

Jesus said: “So I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”  – Mark 11:24

Your friend in Christ,
Mary Rogers

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