Devotional – August 15, 2014

Company’s Coming!

Come, Lord Jesus, ever blest.
    Grant thy gifts and be our guest.

               Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest.
                   And let these thy gifts to us be blest.

Somehow, these two variations of an old family table prayer have been incorporated into my extended family’s practice.  Over the years, some of us have used one version, and some of us the other. Often, when gathered around a large table together, one of us would say, “So, is it “ever blest” or “be our guest”?” — and we’d decide, bow our heads and pray.  No one has a great attachment to one or the other, we just agree that we like to pray in unison.

Either way, we invite our Lord to come to us, to be a guest in our gathering, and ask God’s blessing as we partake of his gifts.  The Jewish holiday of Passover includes the Seder meal, and tradition says that an extra place should be set at the table, and the door shall remain unlocked, as a sign of welcome to the prophet Elijah.  I found it meaningful when I realized how closely the symbolism of this practice relates to our prayer asking Jesus to come and be our guest. These similarities are surely an indication of how deeply the people of many generations and traditions desire a close connection with God.

Throughout his ministry, Jesus taught and explained the concept of God as a loving Father,  who sent his Son to bring all who would listen and believe into a close relationship with him.  Jesus lived the example of openness and welcome to all who approached him.  How very appropriate, then, that we should ask our Lord to come into our hearts and homes, and to bless the gifts we receive every day from his generous hand.  And then, we who are so blessed, have the opportunity to welcome all who hunger for that bread of life.

“Welcome one another, therefore, as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.”
– Romans 15:7

Your friend in Christ,
Mary Rogers

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