Weekly Devotion – May 19, 2024


May 19, 2024

“The Power of the Gospel”  

For I am not ashamed of the gospel; it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who has faith . . . For in it the righteousness of God is revealed . . .  (Romans 1:16a, 17a)      

What do you think when you hear the term, “The Day of Pentecost”?  For any number of people, their response might be one of questioning or puzzlement.  It’s not as familiar a day in the church as Christmas or Easter, or celebrated with a variety of events both religiously and culturally.  And yet, we celebrate this day as that on which the promise Jesus made to his disciples was fulfilled, and God’s own Spirit came into their world to guide and strengthen them in going about the ministry he had commissioned them to do.       

The second chapter of Acts gives a dramatic account of the coming of the Holy Spirit, as the disciples had joined Jews from all over the world to celebrate the festival of Pentecost.  The mighty wind and tongues of fire were stunning, and before long Peter and the other disciples began preaching and witnessing to the teachings of Jesus.  Amazingly, those present understood what was being said because each of them heard it in their own language!  Imagine what it would be like to be standing in a crowd of people from all over the world and hearing the message of love and freedom through Christ in words you understood!  What an amazing demonstration of how the power of the Holy Spirit brings all people into the community of faith.     

As he neared the final days of his earthly ministry, Jesus assured his disciples, “The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you.”  (John 14:26).  Throughout the New Testament, we see ways in which the apostles were given the abilities they needed to continue Christ’s ministry, teaching, preaching, healing, bringing more and more people into relationship with their loving Father in heaven.      

We’ve heard the message, and the Spirit will give us the ability to share it, encouraging and inspiring us along the way.  As we care for one another, through the hard times, the celebrations, or just the everyday-ness of our lives, the Spirit is working through us. At one time or another,  we’ve all had that little nudge that lets us know we need to do, say, or listen in a way that shows Christ’s love and compassion.      

What a blessing that this Day of Pentecost is also the day on which we confirm our young people, and we pray that the Holy Spirit that has brought them to the faith will strengthen and support them in their lives of faith. 

Celebrating this day of grace and power,

Your friend in Christ,

Mary Rogers

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