Weekly Devotion – September 10, 2023


September 10, 2023

“Want or Need: What’s the Difference?”  

“When you are praying, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do; for they think that they will be heard because of their many words.  Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.”    (Matthew 6:7-8)      

These words of Jesus introduce what is called the Lord’s Prayer, probably one of the best-known prayers around the world.  The disciples wanted to learn how to pray like Jesus did, not in fear of a judgmental God, or the ritual prayers of the Jewish tradition, but in the personal, connected way they were hearing from their teacher.  These two simple sentences carry a powerful message, as Jesus tells them that they don’t need to pray for what they need, because God already knows.      

We give value and importance to words, and the ways in which they are used or misused, understood or misunderstood, as people get pretty creative with their terminology.  Definitions of right or wrong, ethical or unethical, appropriate or inappropriate all seem to vary, depending on various circumstances.      

Determining the difference between a need and a want is one of those nearly unanswerable questions.  Most of us are pretty good at finding a way to convince ourselves (or others) that what we really, really want is also a legitimate, genuine need.  Throughout the Gospels, Jesus tells the disciples and other followers that being overly attached to earthly possessions can be a barrier to being part of God’s kingdom.       

Learning what truly has value can be a bitter lesson — the Prodigal Son wanted (and thought he needed) his inheritance at a young age so he could live like a first-century version of a playboy.  But when his money ran out, so did his friends, and he was left with nothing.  In desperation, he returned home, was welcomed by his loving, forgiving father, and immediately knew and understood what he truly needed.     

Two little boys in my extended family were playing with their collection of small cars, and as they did, the older one casually reached over and took one of his brother’s cars.  He did the same thing every little while, building quite a fleet.  Grandma, who was watching, said, “Johnny, you’ve taken Tim’s cars until he has only one.”  Quickly defending himself, he told her, “Oh, but Grandma, I NEED them!”  And in his little-boy mind, he really did.        

And so we ask ourselves, what do we need, what do we want, and how do we figure out the difference?  There is guidance in the true and clear teachings of our Lord, and the insights and understanding of our ancestors in the faith.  We have the support of one another, with opportunities to learn and share along this journey.   

Secure in the knowledge that our Father in heaven knows what we need,

Your friend in Christ,

Mary Rogers

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