Weekly Devotion – July 23, 2023


July 23, 2023

“The Gift of Friendship”     

(Jesus said “You are my friends if you do what I command you.  I do not call you servants any longer . . . but I have called you friends,  . . . You did not choose me but I chose you.”   (John 15:14, 15a, 16a)      

Do you find yourself with busy weekends, whether you’re staying around home or hitting the road for a few days?  It’s summer, but it’s also the time when family reunions are scheduled, school-related get-togethers take place, and all kinds of community celebrations are happening.  If you’re from a small town, many of those events turn into spontaneous reunions, (the best kind, I believe) and it can be a heartwarming experience to catch up with former schoolmates, neighbor “kids” and others who “knew you when.”           

Jesus interacted with his disciples in a variety of ways, teaching, instructing, and inspiring them with the new Gospel of forgiveness and relationship with their Father in heaven.  In several verses in the 15th chapter of John, Jesus tells his disciples that they are his friends if they do what he tells them to, and that he no longer calls them servants, but chose them to be his friends.  This apparent definition of friendship doesn’t align with our current day thought that friends are people who enjoy a relationship based on common interests, values, and that comfort level that’s hard to define.       Often referred to as “the twelve” these various individuals came together at Jesus’ invitation, responding to a call they didn’t quite understand but that touched something deep inside them.  Did they have a sense of absolute, positive assurance that this teacher was the fulfillment of ancient prophesies?  Were they hopeful that something good could come of this connection?     

For generations, many prophets had arisen and traveled about preaching, attracting a number of listeners, but the roles were clearly defined:  Leader and followers.  Jesus was doing much more than leading the disciples around, however, as we soon realize that he was training them, bringing them along to be leaders in the near future, because he knew what lay ahead.  His time with them was limited, and they needed to be prepared to continue, strong in the knowledge that they had been equipped to lead people to believe in the salvation earned for them through the life, death and resurrection of Christ.     

The equality of the relationship between friends is emphasized in these verses, although it takes some concentration to work through the somewhat repetitive phrasing.  It sounds as though Jesus wants the disciples to know he has great regard for them, chose them purposely to be his closest friends, and trusts them implicitly.  There could be no greater affirmation of the relationships than these words, intentionally binding these twelve closely together.     

Following Jesus’ ascension into heaven and the amazing events of Pentecost, the disciples became known as apostles, and they were the missionaries, church builders, teachers and healers who spread the Gospel far and wide.  They had been well taught, were confident in their message and led untold numbers to faith in Christ.  When your Lord tells you that you are his friend, and that he chose you, ordinary you, to share the message of love and forgiveness, you’re well able to do just that! 

Grateful that Jesus is my friend,

Your friend in Christ,

Mary Rogers

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