Weekly Devotion – April 30, 2023


April 30, 2023

“One Flock, One Shepherd”           

Shepherds and their sheep are used to describe the relationship between God and his people from the Psalms through the Gospels, and in several letters of the New Testament.  Herding flocks from one pasture to another, making sure they had access to water, and keeping an eye out for stragglers and slowpokes was a part of everyday activities throughout Galilee and the surrounding area.      

From the ancient oral traditions to the early written scrolls, well-known images of the world of 2,000 years ago illustrated the messages.  Clashing armies with swords and spears represented the conflict between good and evil, and a kind and benevolent king served as an example of God’s love and commitment to the Hebrew people.  Shepherds were front and center in the account of Christ’s birth, as angels appeared to them in the skies over their fields, singing and proclaiming the birth of the Messiah.  When the shepherds arrived at the stable, they fell to their knees, and there’s no doubt that the Savior had come to all, regardless of their status in the world.        

Jesus chose to describe himself as a shepherd, showing that he was willing to not only be human and live among everyday people, but that he would take on the hard, dirty, round-the-clock job of keeping track of an unruly flock of sheep.  In the Gospel of John, Jesus speaks of sheep following their shepherd because they know his voice, and trust him.  He is the one who will lead them safely to pasture, and who is dedicated to protecting them.  He goes on to say,“I am the good shepherd.  I know my own and my own know me.  And I lay down my life for the sheep.  I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold.  I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice.  So there will be one flock, one shepherd.”     (John 10:14-16)    

Not only does Jesus speak of his devotion to his flock, but also to his wish to include those not presently in the fold.  No one is excluded and everyone is invited and welcome.  Every individual is God’s child, and every single one matters.  There are no acceptable percentages of loss, no “cost of doing business.” The loss of one is a loss to all, and the rescuing of one is a triumph for all.  This value isn’t in sync with the world’s values, but because of this, I know that as one of Jesus’ flock, I matter just as much as the next person; and therefore the next one matters just as much as I do.  None of us can think, imagine, or comprehend the breadth of such love, but we are called to have faith that God knows, understands, and cares for every one and for all.     

How blessed we are to be assured of the care and protection of our Lord, and to be able to share this Good News through our words and deeds.     

“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life long.”      (Psalm 23:6) 

In need of guidance and direction,

Your friend in Christ,

Mary Rogers

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