Holy Saturday & Easter Devotion – April 8 & 9, 2023


April 8, 2023


April 9, 2023 

“He Is Not Here; He Has Been Raised”          

 The quiet of Holy Saturday provides us with a perfect opportunity to process and meditate on the events of a remarkable week.  We’ve learned of Jesus’ very public, celebratory entrance into Jerusalem, his days of intense teaching and ministry, how he modeled servanthood by washing his disciples’ feet, and the new covenant established in the breaking of the bread and the sharing of the wine.  Just yesterday, the accounts of Jesus’ arrest, the mock trial in front of a hostile crowd, and the agony of his death painted a horrific, brutal picture.  And then, “It is finished,” he groaned, and the earth trembled, the sky went dark, the curtain of the temple was torn, and God’s Holy One breathed his last.          

By then, only a few people remained at the crucifixion site, mostly faithful women who were probably anticipating the part they would play in caring for the body of the Lord.  The disciples’ thoughts were likely a mixture of grief, fear, and uncertainty, and they had left the scene in despair.  However, a believer in the person of Joseph of Arimathea came forward, and as a man of wealth and influence, he was able to obtain the release of the body and arrange an appropriate Jewish burial before the sabbath observance began.        

Following the day of rest and quiet, early that morning, the women went to the tomb with spices and ointments to minister to the Lord’s body.  They were apprehensive about what lay ahead, wondering if someone would help them move the heavy stone, or if the guards would threaten them, but they surely hadn’t anticipated what they discovered.   

 The Gospel of Matthew tells us that an angel rolled away the stone, and said to them, “He is not here; for he has been raised, as he said.”  So they left the tomb quickly with fear and great joy, and ran to tell his disciples.  (Ch. 28:6a, 8)     The reaction of the women is unique — “fear and great joy” — but is an excellent description.  To see and hear an angel, not to mention the message he brought, would surely bring about shock and amazement.  But they don’t question it — they’re immediately filled with joy and literally run off to spread the news.  The disciples received the news in a number of ways, as some dismissed the “story,” as overheated imagination, while others raced to the grave to see for themselves. .     

That first Easter was a day of questioning and hope, even straightforward disbelief, but the truth of Christ’s resurrection was undeniable.  In the days that followed, Jesus appeared to. the disciples in a number of places, spoke with them, assured them, became real to them again, and their hope was fulfilled, their faith restored.     

On Easter morning, along with Christians around the world and echoing across the centuries, the joyful words will ring out:  “Christ is Risen!  Alleluia!”  We are blessed with a faith that has been shared with us throughout our lives, the confidence that our sins are forgiven, that Christ has won the battle over death and we, too, will share eternal life with him.  

Christ is risen!  Alleluia!  He is risen indeed! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Your friend in the living Christ,   

Mary Rogers

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