Weekly Devotion – December 25, 2022

December 25, 2022

“The Perfect Gift”

     In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan,
        earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone;
     snow had fallen, snow on snow, snow on snow,
        in the bleak midwinter, long ago.
     What can I give him, poor as I am?
        If I were a shepherd. I would bring a lamb;
     if I were a wise man. I would do my part;
        yet what I can I give him— give my heart.
  “In the Bleak Midwinter”, v. 1, 3, ELW 294
Text: Christina Rossetti’ Music: Gustav Holst  

What comes to mind when you hear the expression “the perfect gift”?  Do you visualize an extravagant gesture like a luxury car with a big red bow, or a beautiful necklace or ring of precious gems?  Or do you picture a child thrilled nearly speechless at the shiny new bike beside the Christmas tree?  A gift may well be perfect because it can come only from the giver, and is uniquely just right for the person who receives it. 

In the past few weeks, there have been many heart-warming stories of individuals, groups, and communities finding ways to share and care for those who might feel left out of all the Christmas festivities.  Gifts have been gathered for senior citizens, for children in foster care, for students in inner-city schools, and a Christmas Eve dinner is being served at a local church.  

Having experienced radically changed Christmas celebrations  over the past three years, perhaps our values have been realigned, and we are free to step back, to quietly listen to the story of the young couple making the journey to Bethlehem, a young mother giving birth to her first child, and the angels’ message of peace and good will to all the earth. 

As we read the verses from this unique, poignant Christmas carol on these bitter cold, windy days, it’s as though the poet is describing what we’ve been experiencing.  She paints a word picture so clearly, it’s as though she’s right in our neighborhoods!  Then a little story is incorporated, as we visualize a poor, young boy, slipping into the stable among the shepherds, adoring the Christ child and wishing to give him a gift.  There are a couple of “ifs” — if he were someone else, he’d be able to give something significant, but all he has to give is his heart, and in that moment, we realize that this is a gift like no other, one given freely and that is truly pleasing to our heavenly Father.

Christmas speaks of the gift of our heavenly Father to all humanity — his only Son, sent to share the good news of forgiveness, love, and to know that we are God’s own children.  There can be no greater gift, and we are humbled by it.  So how do we respond?  No one has more to give than anyone else.  We give what we have — our hearts, our gratitude, our lives.  As we give them, we do so in the faith that God will direct us and use us for his purposes, to serve those in need in his name, and to bring light and joy to all the earth.

Christmas blessings to all,
Your friend in Christ,  
Mary Rogers

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