Weekly Devotion – November 13, 2022


November 13, 2022

“Praise and Thanksgiving”

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth.     

worship the Lord with gladness; come into his presence with singing.Know that the Lord is God.  It is he that made us and we are his;     

we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise.     

Give thanks to him, bless his name.For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever,     and his faithfulness to all generations.     (Psalm 100)      

The skies are gray, the wind has a bite to it, and several forms of precipitation fell from the sky last night.  It must be November!  If any month has a reputation for being bleak and chilling, this is the one.  It may not seem like the time for a celebration, but it’s actually the best way to counteract the seasonal gloom that is trying to move in.  We can’t control the short days, the overcast skies, and the feeling of winter bearing down on us, but we can throw a party!  Regardless of how simple or elaborate the meal is, how few or how many are gathered, lamps and candles are lighted, a meal is shared, and a November Thursday becomes Thanksgiving.       

The origin of this day, a celebration of a successful harvest and gratitude for simply surviving, may seem distant to many of us, but the message of being grateful to God for his enduring love and steadfastness is timeless.  This particular year, many of us are trying to regain what we’ve always thought of as “normal”, and, gathered with friends and family, there will be those moments of sadness and grief that beloved people aren’t present.        

So we remember, grieve, and try to be grateful.  It’s a troublesome mix, but there it is, and through it all, we are assured that God’s love for us endures in all circumstances.  Many of us have had life-changing experiences, whether personal or professional, as individuals, or as part of a community.  Hopefully, we’ve been able to grow and learn about ourselves, to accept our weaknesses and appreciate our strengths.       

God’s gifts are never-ending and never the same, as he knows our needs even if we don’t.  The psalmist praises God’s creative power, thanking him for his love and faithfulness to all generations.  Jesus taught his followers to be thankful for God’s gifts, from the beauty of creation to the simple blessings that are part of every day.  The Apostle Paul  wrote to the early churches, exhorting them to be thankful for the Gospel of Christ, and for the message of hope and forgiveness that he brought to all people.     

And so we are thankful, not just one day, but every day, for the bounty of our Father’s love, and for his faithfulness and enduring love for us, his people. 

So blessed and grateful,

Your friend in Christ,   

Mary Rogers 

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