Devotional – August 16, 2013

It is hard to beat Iowa in August. Beautiful skies, luscious landscapes, and this year the weather has been very pleasant. Day time temps are cooler than usual and sleeping temps have been great. As a life long Iowan, I have grown used to finding something about the weather that allows me to complain. Not so the last few days. Makes me eager to say, This is the day the Lord has made!

For some reason, thinking about how nice it is, caused me to remember something my grandma said to me when I was a teenager. I was unusually giddy that day at a birthday party for my grandfather. I told Grandma I thought it was a perfect day and was surprised by her response. She looked me squarely in the eyes (something she seldom did) and said, “Nothing lasts forever, so when things are perfect you should make a memory that will cause you to feel good when things aren’t so perfect.” That is pretty much a direct quote from all those years ago. So, at this time, when the days are almost perfect (at least weather wise), I would like to challenge you to do something to make a memory that will make you feel good some day in the future.  Or perhaps you could recall a time, a place, and people with whom you shared what is now a special memory.

Now, to put a little different focus on this devotion, you are invited to share that “something” with the rest of us. It may help someone else when they need a good memory, or remind them of a good time in their own life. It’s a simple, friendly gesture that could truly benefit our online devotional community.  Roberta Hamdorf and Mary Rogers are  collaborating on this project, so please send an e-mail to and we will compile these into some kind of devotional form. If you don’t want us to use your name, that’s fine, just let us know. It is nice if we can include names and probably realize that many of us have had similar experiences that are our most precious memories.  Please feel welcome to invite others to participate.  Hope you will accept this challenge for the joy of all of us.

Your Friend in Christ,
Roberta Hamdorf
(and her support staff, Mary Rogers)

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