Weekly Devotion – August 14, 2022


August 14, 2022“What the Storm Left Behind”      (Jesus said. “Everyone who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock.  The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on rock.”         Matthew 7:24-25      

Several weeks ago, our evening television program was interrupted by a storm alert for this  part of eastern Iowa.  We saw a much-too colorful radar image, (I’ll take bland any day) and listened to urgent warnings.  I felt that mix of emotions — apprehension combined with hope that the storm would fizzle out or track in another direction before it arrived here.       

But then I heard that distinctive sound of a powerful wind, and I tensed up from head to toe.   Opening the front door just a little, I both felt and heard the wind, and then it closed itself — firmly.  After pacing around for awhile, I realized the sound from outside had quieted, and the storm had passed — at least the one outside.  My uneasiness didn’t die down as quickly, and I realized that although two years have passed since the derecho tore its destructive path through our communities, it left behind damage and scars, both visible and hidden.     

The storms of life come to everyone — usually unwanted and unwelcome, but nonetheless they occur.  They might be intensely personal, such as physical, mental or emotional health concerns; family conflicts, or financial problems.  Other events, such as the derecho, threw members of our community together in unanticipated ways.  Many people had to accept help because they couldn’t handle the damage to homes and properties on their own.  Some needed meals and personal supplies because virtually all they had was destroyed.  Individuals and organizations didn’t spend a lot of time analyzing and deciding what to do — they moved quickly and with generosity, doing the best they could to provide for those in need.  I’ll never forget the young men who arrived in pickups, pulled out their chainsaws, and cleared an intersection near my house that was filled two times head-high with tree debris.  There was a need, and they showed up and took care of it.     

As Christians, we know that Christ has shown us how to build houses of faith that won’t blow or wash away.  He is our solid foundation, and through the strength of his boundless love, we are able to care for others in times of trouble.      

Storms leave behind loss and trauma — remember how uneasy we were during heavy rainfalls following the floods of ’08?  But storms also leave us with lessons of how to help and care for one another, and how to thankfully accept help when it’s offered.  We’ve discovered ways to serve and support the ongoing needs of members of our community who struggle every day to function and care for their families.     

We’ll always miss our trees — but future generations will enjoy and appreciate the ones we’re planting now.  And we have hope that our communities will thrive and flourish, built on the solid foundation of God’s boundless love for every one of us. 

Grateful in the knowledge of the sure foundation,

Your friend in Christ,   

Mary Rogers

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