Weekly Devotion – June 5, 2022


June 5, 2022

“A Holy Wind and a Fire of the Spirit”      

If ever the world was in need of the message of Pentecost, it’s now.  Fear, anger, anxiety and hopelessness threaten to overwhelm us, and so often it seems as though no one is listening to anyone.  And then we hear the account of the remarkable events of the Day of Pentecost.          

According to Jewish tradition, the festival of Pentecost occurred fifty days after Passover, and huge numbers of Jews were gathered in Jerusalem, including a group of apostles.  Suddenly the sound of a rushing wind filled the room, and what appeared to be tongues of fire hovered over peoples’ heads.  And with that, the Holy Spirit gave them the strength and ability to speak with authority, going out to share the Good News of forgiveness and salvation through God’s own Son, Jesus Christ.       

People had come from many countries and regions, and all, of course, spoke in their native tongues.  But as Peter and the other apostles began preaching and witnessing to Jesus’ teachings,   each person heard the message in their own language!  What a remarkable experience it would be — standing in a crowd of people from all over the world and hearing the message of love and freedom through Christ in words you understood.  Both speakers and listeners were moved by the Holy Spirit — after all, no matter how well a message is delivered, how it’s received is equally important.     

The arrival of the Holy Spirit in such a dramatic fashion is both unique and unexpected.  Jesus made promises and gave hints to his disciples that after his return to his heavenly Father, he would send an advocate, a helper, to encourage and strengthen them as they went forward in ministry.  This characterization seems a little vague, and we, of course, like nice clear definitions and explanations, sort of a job description.  But it appears the Holy Spirit isn’t a one-size-fits all part of God, but rather tailor-made for the needs and abilities of each individual.  And then, arriving by wind and fire, the power of the Holy Spirit brings us to faith, keeps us in the faith, and enables us to live our lives of faith.       

In the explanation of the Third Article of the Apostles’ Creed, Martin Luther taught: “The Holy Spirit has called me through the gospel, enlightened me with his gifts, made me holy and kept me in the true faith, just as he calls, gathers, enlightens, and makes holy the whole Christian church on earth . . .”     

As God’s people, then, we are not only called and enlightened, we are also privileged to go about the Spirit’s work, equipped to do so by the Spirit’s power.  As we care for one another, through the hard times, the celebrations, and the everyday-ness of our lives, the Spirit is working through us. Everyone, at one time or another,  has had that little nudge that lets us know we need to do, say, or listen in a way that shows Christ’s love and compassion.  

Listening for the call of the Spirit,   

Your friend in Christ,

Mary Rogers

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