Holy Saturday & Easter Devotion – April 17, 2022

HOLY SATURDAY    April 16, 2022


From “It is Finished’ to “He has Been Raised”       

 It was getting late on Friday, and the body of Jesus hung on the cross, the lifeblood drained, the spirit departed.  The Jewish Sabbath was approaching, and the sad practicalities of death had to be addressed.  Joseph of Arimathea is mentioned only in this particular circumstance, but he was one of those quiet heroes who stepped up and took care of the most immediate need.  He went to Pilate, obtained permission to remove the body, and, grieving himself, wrapped it in linen and placed it in a tomb he owned.       

It’s natural to wonder why Jesus’ closest friends and followers weren’t the ones who took on the responsibility of arranging burial, but they had fled and were scattered throughout the city, wondering if soldiers would be coming for them, too.  The foundation of their lives and their faith had been destroyed, and they were well past the ability to cope with it.     

Following Jesus, learning from him, understanding and believing that he was, indeed, God’s promised Messiah, had been life-changing.  They had learned to serve God by being servants to all, following Christ’s example of compassion and kindness.  We can imagine the grief, the bewilderment and questions of “How could this happen?  Where do we go?  What will we do?”     

A number of women had remained and witnessed Jesus’ final hours and then followed Joseph, bearing Jesus’ body to the tomb.  As the Sabbath was beginning, they returned to their homes, following the Jewish practice of observing a day of rest and quiet.       

On the first day following the sabbath, early in the morning, the women went to the tomb with spices and ointments to minister to the Lord’s body.  They were apprehensive about what lay ahead, wondering who might help move the heavy stone or if the guards would threaten them, but they surely hadn’t anticipated what they discovered.     

The Gospel of Matthew tells us that an angel rolled away the stone, and said to them, “He is not here; for he has been raised, as he said.”  So they left the tomb quickly with fear and great joy, and ran to tell his disciples.”  (Ch. 28:6a, 8)     

This stunning news doesn’t result in a celebratory procession of hymn-singing disciples going off to the empty tomb.  The reactions vary widely, with some dismissing the “story,” while others race to the grave to see for themselves.  Word spreads quickly, doubt and hope are on a collision course, and these grieving, confused people just don’t know what to do.     

That first Easter was a day of confusion and uncertainty, even flat-out disbelief, but the reality of Christ’s resurrection was undeniable.  In the days that followed, as Jesus appeared in their midst, spoke with them, assured them, became real to them again, the truth became the new reality, and life began anew.     

On Easter morning, along with Christians around the world and echoing across the centuries, the joyful words will ring out:  “Christ is Risen!  Alleluia!”  We are blessed with the faith that has been shared with us throughout our lives, the confidence that our sins have been washed away, that Christ has won the battle over death and we, too, will share eternal life with him.  

Christ is risen!  Alleluia!  He is risen indeed! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Your friend in the living Christ,

Mary Rogers

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