Weekly Devotion – January 23, 2022


January 23, 2022

“Little by Little”     

Little by little we’ll go. 

No matter how far the distance is, we are not shaken.      

Little by little we’ll go and reach our destination.

No matter how far the distance is, we are not shaken.     

Little by little we’ll go and reach our destination.

Little by little we’ll go     

No matter how bumpy or rocky the road is, we are not going to turn back

Little by little we’ll go and see through our dreams

Little by little we’ll go     

No matter how narrow the path is, we’re going to force ourselves to pass     

And little by little we’ll go, and reach the promised land.

Don’t be shaken.  Don’t turn back.

Little by little you’ll go and reach your destination.      

Joyce Chigale, age 13, 2016      

We’ve been in the depth of winter the past couple of weeks, with snow super-glued to the ground, bitter wind-chills, and TV weather people enjoying the drama of these extremes just a little too much.  But every now and then I read or hear about something that truly warms my heart, and that’s where we all need warmth the most, isn’t it?  Recently, I was half-watching a newscast while reading, when my attention was caught by a sweet-faced young girl on the screen, talking with the news anchor.  Her name is Joyce Chigale, and she lives in the East African country of Malawi.  I learned that she had attended school up to about the equivalent of our 8th Grade, but then had to drop out, because the high schools charge tuition and her parents couldn’t afford the fees.  She was so bright and articulate, my reaction was to think what a terrible waste if she would not be able to continue her education.       

I soon realized this report was from five years ago, and was then followed by an update on Joyce’s life since then.  She received a scholarship, finished high school, and was now in her first semester of college, studying to be a doctor.  Her delight and dedication in pursuing her education was a joy to see, and it’s not hard to visualize her as a capable, compassionate doctor.       This opportunity for Joyce as well as many more young people came about through the efforts of an organization that originally was founded to provide desks for school children in Malawi.  It’s a partnership between MSNBC and UNICEF, which identify the needs and then go about meeting them.  It’s called KIND — Kids In Need of Desks and is fully donor supported.  The organization has broadened its educational support for youngsters in need, and it was clear to me that this kind of program has the potential to change not only individual lives, but communities throughout this country.     

The poem above was written by Joyce over five years ago, when she was only 13.  The message of persistence, of faith, of not giving up, shows remarkable strength and determination.  And did you notice, she doesn’t say, “I’ll go” — she says, “we’ll go” — a strong, encouraging, and inclusive message.  We aren’t alone, with no one who cares how we’re doing, because throughout our lives, our Father in heaven sends family, friends, even strangers, to encourage and support us as we go “little by little.”  The journey and the destination are both important, as we follow God’s call to love and service.     

“Not all of us can do great things.  But we can do small things with great love.”   Mother Teresa       

“I know not the way God leads me, but well do I know my Guide.”     Martin Luther 

Warmed up by hope and joy,

Your friend in Christ,   

Mary Rogers

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