Weekly Devotion – June 27, 2021


June 27, 2021

“Built Together into a Holy Temple”       

“So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are citizens with the saints and also members of the household of God, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone.  In him the whole structure is joined together and grows into a holy temple in the Lord; in whom you also are built together spiritually into a dwelling place for God.”    (Ephesians 2:19-22)      

Construction season is in full swing, as neighborhoods are filled with the sounds of siding and roofing being nailed into place, and repairs and recovery from last year’s derecho continue.  Whether new or renovated, seeing a structure emerge from what looks like a chaotic building site is fascinating and impressive.  After the storm damage, these sights are so positive and encouraging — they boost our spirits and help us look to the future.  The generosity of volunteer organizations who repair, paint, and clean up the homes of people who need support is ongoing and heartwarming.  Home-building projects that assist people in becoming homeowners through “sweat equity,” teaching them skills at the same time, change the lives of these families.      

The image of a well-constructed building, with a solid foundation and built with care and skill appears throughout the Bible as a means of defining the church.  God’s Word and God’s promises, fulfilled in Christ Jesus, are described as the foundations of faith for all Christians.       

Jesus told the parable of the two houses — one built on a foundation of rock and one on sand, and when the storm came, the house on sand was washed away, but the one on rock stood firm.  Faith in Christ, belief in his teachings, and knowing him as God’s own Son, is a solid foundation for our lives as Christians.  The houses may have looked very much alike, but the foundations made all the difference as the storm was raging.     

Writing to the new church in the city of Ephesus, the Apostle Paul sought to bring people together as members of the household of God.  He recognized that new believers represented a wide variety of individuals, and knew how important that they were all recognized as equal citizens in the community of faith.  Inclusivity may not have been a word Paul used in his teaching and writing, but it’s clearly represented in this passage from Ephesians, as every individual is needed to build and grow into a dwelling place for God.     

Our ancestors in the faith, who shared the message of love and forgiveness through Christ Jesus, have provided the foundation for Christians today.  We are now called to reach out, inviting all people to join in building walls that do not prohibit entry, but welcome, include, and protect everyone as members of God’s household.  What an amazing gift it is, that no one will be considered a stranger or an alien, but will be welcomed into a community with not only a solid foundation, but with Christ himself as the cornerstone. 

Grateful to be on solid ground,

Your friend in Christ,

Mary Rogers

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