Good Friday Devotion – April 2, 2021


April 2, 2021

“Jesus, Remember Me” .  .  .  .  .  

“You Will be With me in Paradise.”     

“When they came to the place that is called The Skull, they crucified Jesus there with the criminals, one on his right and one on his left.  Then Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.”     

(One of the criminals) said,  “ . . . this man has done nothing wrong.’  Then he said, Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.’   (Jesus)replied, ‘Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise.’”     (Luke 23:34, 41b, 42)      

As Christians around the world have done for centuries, we, too, observe Good Friday with somber, subdued worship, prayer and music.  We have followed Jesus’ journey of ministry and obedience, as he has followed the will of his Father.  The Gospel accounts of our Lord’s crucifixion provide enough detail to paint a brutal, ugly picture.  On this Good Friday, we see nothing “good” about it.  But I learned that a very old use of the English word “good” meant “holy” and this day of sacrifice is indeed holy.       

Even as death drew near, Jesus cried out out for the forgiveness of his killers, and those gathered must have wondered  how a man suffering and dying on a cross could even think of those who have acted with such cruelty.  In a surprising, almost bizarre moment, one of the criminals speaks, challenging Jesus to prove he is the Messiah by saving himself and them.  The other criminal rebukes him, admitting that they had been condemned justly, but Jesus had done no wrong.  He recognizes not only that next to him is an individual like no other, and his heart is opened to the belief that he is in the presence of God’s own Son.  In complete, fearless trust, he calls out for salvation – “remember me” and he is assured that he will be in Jesus’ presence throughout eternity.     

In the midst of a day filled with fear, loss, and shock these few words could easily get lost, but that our Lord ministered to those around him with his dying breath is a powerful message, especially in its simplicity.  Throughout his ministry, Christ preached a gospel of love and forgiveness, that our heavenly Father forgives us our sins, and therefore we are to forgive those who have wronged us.  Here is the ultimate example – how can anyone forgive those executing him?  But Jesus did, and he not only called on God to forgive them, but he understood that they didn’t even comprehend the enormity of their actions.     

So here is the “good” for which we are searching and the “holy” that is present, as God our heavenly Father, brings goodness, healing and salvation to the worst, most hopeless day that ever occurred.  And so today and every day, we remember the good and the holy sacrifice that gave us salvation through Christ our Lord. 

Trusting that God’s goodness is with us every day,

Your friend in Christ,

Mary Rogers

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