Maundy Thursday Devotion – April, 1 2021


April 1, 2021

“The First Supper”       

After the events of Palm/Passion Sunday, at first glance it appears that Jesus and his disciples went off to Bethany and all was quiet until the first day of the Passover, which we observe as Maundy Thursday.  However, the account in the Gospel of Matthew (21:12 – 26:11), paints a much different picture.  The very next morning, Jesus returned to the city and spent time in the temple, teaching and challenging the chief priests and the elders.  In three days of intense activity, he told parables, interpreted Jewish law, and debated with temple officials.  There are prophecies, warnings, and laments.  We feel a sense of urgency, of too little time and too much to be done, of packing every possible moment with important things they need to know.     

The first day of Passover arrived, and pace changed almost abruptly to a deliberate, contemplative tone.  Following Jesus’ instructions, the disciples arranged a room where they could share the traditional meal.  It was probably a plain, utilitarian space, simply furnished, and the disciples prepared the Passover meal.  They gathered around the table, a group of ordinary-looking men, tired, stressed, and anxious about what their beloved Teacher had been telling them lay ahead.  The atmosphere was probably subdued, the disciples quietly eating, lost in their own thoughts, or perhaps speaking with someone across the table or next to them.  And then, using nothing more than everyday bread and wine, Jesus gave himself to them and to us in loving sacrifice.     

“While they were eating, Jesus took a loaf of bread, and after blessing it he broke it, gave it to the disciples, and said, “Take, eat, this is my body.”  Then he took a cup, and after giving thanks he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you; for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.”        (Matthew 26:26-28)     

Immediately, this last supper of the Passover becomes the first supper of the new covenant, and a new relationship with God begins.  The loving commandment, “Do this in remembrance of me.”  (I Corinthians 11:24)  assures us every time we partake of this holy meal that the price has been paid and our sins are forgiven.    

How fitting that our Lord used ordinary bread and wine to institute this new covenant.  Throughout his ministry, he’d baptized people with plain water, restored sight with smears of mud, and simply laid his hands  in healing on the sick and suffering.  He spoke to people unpretentiously, listened to them, understood what was in their hearts, and shared the promise of God’s boundless love and forgiveness.     

Gathering around a table is central to many traditions, whether families, groups of friends, or communities of all sizes.  Even in these times of distancing, we are invited to gather at our Lord’s table, from our homes, sharing spiritually in the holy meal, hearing the words, “Given for you . . ., Shed for you . . .”. 

Humbled by this gift,

Your friend in Christ,  

Mary Rogers

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