Devotional – May 17, 2013

Luke 10:25-37 – Parable of the Good Samaritan

When I think of my favorite Bible stories, the story of the Good Samaritan always comes to mind. In today’s world this story still holds very true. We still put up barriers like the Priest and the Levite did when they passed the half-dead man on the road. They put up barriers like they were too busy or they would be unclean to touch. We still do the same coming up with excuses like “Somebody else will help.” “I’m too busy to stop and help.”

This reminds me of a story I wrote for Confirmation based on the Good Samaritan parable. It went like this:

“There was an older lady pulled off the side of the highway, her beat-up old car had a flat tire. As she struggled to change it an expensive sport sedan whizzed by. Inside the car the driver chuckled to himself, “Boy, I’m glad I got the run-flat tire option.”  The next person who drove by had an appointment to make with her boss. Barely glancing in her rearview mirror she was in such a rush. Finally, a biker that people honked at to get out of their way pulled over and exchanged her tire.”

These people put up barriers just like the Priest and the Levite. Whether they were too busy or might lose their jobs they just couldn’t stop. As Christians, it’s our duty to break down these barriers. So grab your bicycle helmet and get out there.

Collin Lint

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