Weekly Devotion – November 22, 2020


November 22, 2020

“Blowing Around, But Hanging On”      

These past few weeks of autumn have taken us up and down, giving us cold, wet days and then turning around with days of sunshine and balmy temps.  We’re Midwesterners — we can’t help but talk about the weather!  After the loss of so many trees that would have provided us with color and beauty, those remaining have felt like a special gift.  The burning bush by our front door seemed to be exceptionally bright this fall, as if to compensate for the maple leaves no longer falling, its rosy red leaves covering more area than I would have thought possible.     

As the winds continue to blow, making more than a few of us a little edgy, the end-of-fall stragglers are swirling into corners, dry, brown, and certainly not cheery.  And then you notice a few left behind, stubbornly clinging to the branches, appearing determined to hold on to whatever fate awaits them.  Well, leaves don’t have quite such human qualities, but it’s not that hard to envision someone with great strength and resilience as being like that stubborn leaf.  As God’s children, every one of us has the assurance that he is with us, guiding and protecting us in all circumstances.      

As we read in Psalm 37:23-24:  “Our steps are made firm by the Lord, when he delights in our way; though we stumble, we shall not fall headlong, for the Lord holds us by the hand.”     

This is the promise that keeps us from being blown about by the winds of fear and uncertainty.  We are able to hang in there, because God is holding on to us!  Once again, we are reminded that our faith is not of our own doing, but is a gift from God.  We’re likely to stumble — we all do — but God has us by the hand and will hold us up with his love and strength.     Thanksgiving is only a few days away, and although it’s not formally a church occasion, as Christians, we turn to God in praise and thanks for all we have been given.  Between natural disasters, a terrifying pandemic, dissension and conflict both at home and around the world, expressing gratitude may take a little extra effort this year.  In spite of our fears and worries, look at what we have been given.       

First and foremost, God sent his own Son into this world, to teach us how to live in love and kindness with one another, living a life of service and sacrifice.  Throughout the Gospel of John, over and over, Jesus tells his followers he gives them his peace, gives eternal life, gives a new commandment (the Golden Rule), and so also, these gifts are given to us.  These lessons of giving in love are timeless, and so we give thanks, for the blessing of being God’s own children and the opportunity we have to share that Good News with all humanity. 

Humbled and grateful,

Your friend in Christ,

Mary Rogers

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