Weekly Devotion – September 27, 2020


September 27, 2020

“An Invitation and a Promise”      

Every now and then, I come across something that expresses my thoughts and feelings almost exactly.  Often, I don’t even realize that’s where my mind is, but it’s like the bulb lighting up over a cartoon character’s head when it happens.  A friend recently shared a Facebook meme that gave me that lightbulb moment, and when I shared it, others had the same reaction.  There is a picture of two message boards, the first spells out “Dear God,” followed by a pile of letters jumbled and scrambled together, spelling nothing, followed by “Amen.”  The second board says, “Dear Child,  I know.  I love you.  God.”     

To be fully understood and accepted, to not have to explain, or to give background and context, is truly the greatest of gifts.  And so God comes to us in the tough times, when we can’t even spell a few words, and assures us, “I know.  I love you.”  What a relief!  And what a blessing, to not have to struggle for words, pull our thoughts together, and make sense of circumstances that aren’t making sense to us.  Those words of love are an anchor in the storm, the quiet place to shelter and find safety.     

Of course, this doesn’t mean we’re to be lazy and uncommunicative, thinking that we don’t need to be intentional in prayer because God already knows all there is to know.  Our Father wants us to be prayerfully connected with him, because it’s an important part of a healthy relationship.  We are grounded and guided through prayer, as we thank and praise our creator, ask for forgiveness of our sins, seek guidance in every aspect of our lives, and pray on behalf of others.  The Lord’s Prayer is revered for a good reason — it’s how Jesus taught the disciples to pray.      

Speaking to the Hebrew people in exile through the prophet Jeremiah, God exhorted and promised : “For surely I know the plans I have for you, . . .  plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.  Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you.  When you search for me, you will find me, if you seek me with all your heart.”   (29:11-13)     Prayer is not a one-way street, and our Lord not only invites us to call upon him, he promises to listen to us.  Then, we have the opportunity to listen to God, to read his Holy Word, where we are assured of his boundless love and forgiveness for us, his children.  Whether we are rejoicing and thankful, or struggling to express our grief and sorrow, there is understanding and compassion when we turn to our Father in heaven.     

“The Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words.”   (Romans 8:26) 

Lord, help us to pray!

Your friend in Christ,

Mary Rogers

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