Devotional – April 11, 2013

Now the green blade rises from the buried grain,
Wheat that in dark earth many days has lain;
Love lives again, that with the dead has been;
Love is come again like wheat arising green
“Now the Green Blade Rises”,
Lutheran Book of Worship

The above is the first stanza of an Easter hymn that has a little different sound and tone to it from those filled with Allelulias and choruses of praise.  This is a song of French origin, and both the melody and the words are less familiar to many of us.  When this became part of our hymnal, and the first few times we sang it in worship, I wasn’t too sure what I thought of it.  It seemed a little slow and quiet for the  time of joy and celebration that is Easter.  I have always loved the soaring, triumphant music of the Easter season, but as I’ve heard and sung and paid attention to the words, I’ve developed a real appreciation for this unique hymn.

Most of us know at least the basics of farming and gardening.  Right now, we’re dreaming of green grass, leafy trees, flowers blooming, and the soft green mist over the open fields when the crops make their early appearance.  It’s as beautiful a sight a person can hope to see, and never fails to lift and refresh the spirit.  In an effort to find human words to talk about the death and resurrection of our Lord, the hymn writer describes the small grain of wheat, buried in the dark earth, appearing dull and dead.  But then, after a bleak and cold winter, that persistent little grain pushes its way through the darkness toward the sunlight and warmth, and once again, the gentle green appears.

It’s very difficult to put our belief and understanding of the miraculous into everyday words — this is not an everyday occurrence, after all!  But the persistence and strength of God’s love in overcoming the power of death and evil that was and still is all around us is revealed  in the glorious truth of the risen Christ, who is by our side whether we are sad, fearful, angry, or discouraged.  Please read the remaining three verses of this hymn, and enjoy the unique expression of faith in the love that comes again to us.

Your Friend in Christ,
Mary Rogers

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