Weekly Devotion – August 9, 2020


August 9, 2020

“Music and So Much More”      

Have you found yourself looking for ways to raise your spirits, give yourself a feel-good few minutes, or brighten up your environment?  Here’s hoping you’ve discovered that music is often a great picker-upper.  A lively, toe-tapping tune might liven up a day of sameness, or a sweet, familiar melody might soothe and calm our socially-distanced anxiety.  I got tired of the birthday song for my hand-washing routine, so replaced it with “This Little Light of Mine” — so much better!     

During the distancing and isolation of recent months, creative people have combined to make music in a remarkable number of ways.  The virtual choirs have thrilled and inspired us, as the joy of making music together bursts through the confines of our current experience.  The talents of vocalists, instrumentalists, directors, and technically skilled people have made it possible for many of us to be inspired by such beauty and brought closer to God’s Word.      

Every few days I’ve seen something on television, read in the paper, or heard a story about a musical event bringing people together.  The fascinating thing is, none of them involved gatherings in concert halls, theaters, or even churches.  A Sunday morning news show featured composer and director Eric Whitacre, a pioneer and developer of  assembling virtual choirs.  This year, like many of us, he was either home or in very limited contact with others, so he began composing.  He wrote a lovely choral piece, “Sing Gently,” which melded into a performance by 17,572 singers from 129 countries!  Not only is the music beautiful, but the concept of bringing together all those voices from around the world is truly inspirational.     

After seeing that program, I began to take note of the widely varied ways people were experiencing music.  An article in The Gazette told of the French horn section of the Cedar Rapids Municipal Band rehearsing in Bever Park, and how an impromptu audience of folks gathered (safely distanced) to listen.  The “Today” show featured an Episcopal priest who adapted a song from the popular Broadway musical, “Hamilton.”  He danced down the aisle of the church, opened the doors wide, singing words of hope and reassurance that the church will open again and all will be welcomed back.       

Throughout the Bible, the message to God’s people is to sing praises to God, to play instruments and “make a joyful noise to the Lord.”  (Psalm 100)  The Psalms are filled with such exhortations, the Gospels tell us of Jesus and the disciples singing hymns, and in Paul’s letters to the churches of Rome and Ephesus, he tells them to sing spiritual songs.      Although we aren’t able to gather and share the songs of faith that are meaningful to us, we can listen and sing along with choirs, small groups, and soloists with our computers, smart phones, and iPads.  Through music, not only are we uplifted, but we praise and thank God for his beautiful creation, the boundless love poured out upon us every day, and the knowledge that we are safe in God’s care.   

Singing along the best I can,

Your friend in Christ, 
Mary Rogers

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