Devotional – March 31, 2013

O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his steadfast love endures forever! This is the day which the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
– Psalm 118: 1, 24

As Midwesterners, it seems we have the rhythm of the seasons in our DNA.  By early March, something inside tells us that signs of spring should be appearing.  We start checking the back yard for the first robin, and keep an eye out for something green sprouting through a spot near the house where tulips or daffodils had appeared last year.  When it snows, sleets, or stays colder and more blustery than seems seasonal, we get impatient, even feel cheated.  “Spring is just around the corner,” we say, optimistically.  But that corner seems to be a considerable distance away.  We grumble a little and may have some uneasy thoughts about climate change, but we never doubt that spring will come.

Sunday is Easter Day, when we celebrate with amazement the resurrection of our Lord.  This day calls for us to believe — not to analyze, not even to understand, but to take the leap of faith and believe in a God who keeps his promises.  Then we can rejoice in the words of the Psalmist, whose simple and eloquent words tell us of God’s goodness and enduring love, and the great gift of the day in which we are called to rejoice and be glad.

And then the next day, that Monday when we get up and go about our daily lives, remember that this day, too, is a day the Lord has made, another gift for which to give thanks.

Christ is risen!  Allelulia!
Christ is risen indeed!  Alleluia, Alleluia!

Your Friend in Christ,
Mary Rogers

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