Weekly Devotion: May 17, 2020

“This is My Father’s World”

     Spring has arrived in all its glory, with new growth happening so quickly it’s almost explosive.  Those tiny, curled green fronds are suddenly real, recognizable leaves, and the tight little buds barely the size of your fingertip are blossoms so full and lush that the blooming trees look like giant bouquets.  Spring comes every single year, without fail, and yet every year we’re a little surprised when it happens.  There are those times when the arrival of spring pokes along reluctantly, and then the whole environment changes overnight, bursting out like the pages in a child’s pop-up book.  And we don’t do a thing to deserve it — it’s like someone giving you an exceptionally nice gift for no reason at all.  It’s time to simply say, “Thank you, Father, for the beauty that surrounds me this day.”  

     Our weary spirits and troubled hearts are in need of the freshness and color, the newness and growth of this season.  God’s creation continues to renew itself and his ongoing creative power is active in the environment and the lives of all people.  Our minds are filled with stress and anxiety, but daily we see God’s love and grace demonstrated in the care and compassion his children show to one another.  

     The music of the church expresses virtually every human emotion, and can help us express ourselves when we can’t find words of our own.  Music often comes to mind as we look for comfort and reassurance, and those familiar words and melodies speak to our spirits like nothing else.  

     When I taught Vacation Bible School, our days would begin with a short opening service in the sanctuary.  Every day we sang, “This Is My Father’s World”, which might not seem geared for children, but repetition is an excellent teacher, and before long, most of the youngsters kept up very well.  The sweetness of those young voices, praising God as creator of all, filled my heart with joy and gratitude.

     As we sing these words, we thank and praise God for the beauty of this world, and at the same time are reminded that he is present in all of creation.  Stanza 3 is based on Psalm 96:10-11:

     This is my Father’s world;  Oh, let me not forget

     That though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the ruler yet.

     This is my Father’s world;  Why should my heart be sad?

     The Lord is king, let the heavens ring; God reigns, let the earth be glad!

God shows us his strength and his enduring love every day, in ways we might not even comprehend.  But this is his world, we are his people, and as we are blessed, so we are able to be a blessing to others.

Singing God’s praises,

Your friend in Christ,

Mary Rogers

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