Devotional – March 15, 2013

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. — (Galatians 4:2)

A few weeks ago, my husband and I were returning home from a visit with our family in the Twin Cities.   Although it had been snowy over the weekend, the roads were clear and dry and the sky was a beautiful bright blue.  It seemed that spring might not be too terribly far off, after all — at least a person could hope!

As we drove east on Highway 18, somewhere between Charles City and Nashua, we saw a huge flock of Canada geese in the classic “V” pattern associated with these birds.  It was a wide, shallow “V” but still identifiable.  Quite some time ago, I had learned of an interesting behavior of migrating geese.  There is always one at the point of the V, but it’s not always the same one.  As they cover the miles, the lead goose may tire, and all it has to do is drop back, and another takes the point.  And on they continue, taking turns at the lead, where the wind is stronger and colder.

Frankly, I’m not that fond of geese in general, but I love how these creatures of God’s creation, following their built-in instincts, give us a straightforward, simple example of how to live with one another.  It’s almost embarrassing in its simplicity — a bit like kindergarten, isn’t it?  Take your turn.  Help out.  Lend a hand.  Look out for one another.  Do your part.  Don’t wait for someone to call  you — just step up and do it.
I watched the graceful, constantly moving line of birds, and said, “I believe I’ve found a subject for a devotion.”  If we just open our hearts, God will open our eyes, and we can see his will for our lives in all our surroundings.

And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them. — (Luke 6:31)

Your Sister in Christ,
Mary Rogers

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