“Junior Devotion”: April 5, 2020

“Junior Devotion”

     Then little children were brought to Jesus in order that he might lay his hands on them and pray.  The disciples spoke sternly to those who brought them; but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.”   (Matthew 19:13-14)

     Everyone is staying at home so they and their families can be healthy, and it can get a little tiresome.  Have you been disappointed that you can’t have friends come over to play, or meet a friend at the playground for some fun outdoor time?  It can make you feel like you’re being punished, except you haven’t done anything wrong!  Being left out or not allowed to do things you enjoy doesn’t make anyone feel happy or good.

     Jesus and his group of friends (called disciples) traveled around the countryside, stopping in little towns to teach about God’s love for all people, and how to share God’s love by being kind and helpful.  Many people would come to listen to him, and parents would bring their children, hoping that they could meet Jesus in person and he would bless them.  When the disciples thought the children were getting in the way, Jesus told them that no one was to be left out or pushed aside, because every single person is part of God’s family, whether they are young or old, rich or poor, healthy or sick.  This story teaches us all an important lesson, and that is that everyone is part of God’s family, and as his children, we can invite others to be in the family, too.

     Since everyone from St. Andrew is staying safely at home and not able to gather at church, we’re using our electronics to stay in touch.  Would you do a special thing for our church family?  Easter is a week from Sunday, and we always have beautiful flowers in the church to celebrate that special day.  Since we can’t all come together inside, let’s make an Easter flower garden here in our online church!  

     There’s a coloring picture below for you to print, (or draw your own flowers!).  Color and decorate it, and then send it as an attachment to my email, which is (mlr5258@msn.com).  We’ll share a colorful flower garden with everyone from St. Andrew in next week’s Junior Devotion!  Then later in the spring, when we can all come back and be in church, bring your pictures and we’ll put them on the bulletin board for everyone to see.

     There are links attached to this devotion:  One is for more of the fun videos with stories and crafts that we shared last week, and the others for songs about Jesus you can share with your friends and family.  Please feel welcome to forward this to children and families who would enjoy it.  It’s another way to share God’s love!  

Your friend,

Mary Rogers

P.S.:  Please get in touch with me (via email) if you have a problem opening any of these links or attachments.  Hopefully we can work it out!

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