Devotional – January 31, 2013

As Shrove Tuesday and the St. Andrew Annual Blood Drive come closer, I have been thinking about how great it is to serve God by giving what he has given us, specifically, those things that we take for granted.  Many of us have healthy blood in our bodies that can easily replace itself.   The ability to replace it is by God’s design of the intricate human body.  What can we do with this easily replaceable part of our body?  Donating to people who depend upon it for their life is a great way to serve God and his community of people.  As Warren (2002) writes in his book, The Purpose Driven Life, “we serve God by serving others…. God often tests our hearts by asking us to serve in ways we’re not shaped.”  Your primary ministry should be in the area of your shape, but your secondary service is wherever you’re needed at the moment.”  My primary ministry is in health care.  I love the focus in my life and cannot imagine it any other way.  I donate because I have seen many people in need of the blood.  I have frequently heard about shortages also, especially the current shortage this winter.  We all need to help those around us.  Remember that there are many that can’t give for very real reasons (recent cancer, the rare medication, extended times in Europe, etc).  If you are a person with a reason that you are not sure about, ask your doctor, sign-up to donate and/or talk to the nurses at the blood drive.  Preparing your body to donate and utilizing what God has given us can help you and your family in the future.  Our youth can start donating at 16 years of age.  My son did this and has faithfully been donating ever since.  In Warren’s (2002) chapter on How Real Servants Act, he cites, Mark (10:43) “whoever wants to be great must become a servant” and Matthew (7:16) “you can tell what they are by what they do”.  Think about donating on February 12 (sign up in the narthex) and enjoy the youth’s pancake supper and variety show at the same time.  And e a part of the church community and serve the Lord in other ways.  Consider how you here to help God’s community?

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