Devotional – August 31, 2018

Praising God in Every Language
When you arise in the morning, 
give thanks for the morning light,
for your life and strength.
Give thanks for your food 
  and the joy of living.
If you see no reason for giving thanks,
the fault lies in yourself.
 – Tecumseh, Cherokee Chief
The heavens are telling the glory of God;
and the firmament proclaims his handiwork.
 – Psalm 19:1
Traveling through the Great Smoky Mountains of Tennessee some years ago, there was a point at which I realized the highway was very close to the “Trail of Tears” of the Cherokee people. The forced relocation from North Carolina to the Indian Territory of Oklahoma is a story of suffering and hardship, and is a shameful chapter in our nation’s history.  The only reason these natives were driven from their homeland was because it was so beautiful, lush, and rich that someone else wanted it.  And yet these First People are deeply spiritual, expressing gratitude for all of creation, and viewing every day as a gift from their creator.
Another time, I acquired a small book of American Indian prayers and poems, and was touched by the eloquence of the writers.  As I read, it became clear that human beings’ need to connect with the Creator of all is a universal quality.  I also realized that many of the same images and emotions are expressed in our Bible.  Throughout the Psalms, there are themes of praise and thankfulness to God for the beauty of creation, for his never-failing love and protection, and for the gift of life itself.
Our heavenly Father understands that each individual hears, sees, and comprehends in a unique way, and so, in his wisdom and power, he makes it possible for all people to come to know him.  How blessed we are that God sent his Son to live among us, to teach us of God’s endless love and forgiveness, and to invite us to be in relationship with him.  Whether written by the shepherd boy who became a king in the ancient days of Israel, or spoken by a North American Native leader, isn’t it remarkable how the similarities are greater than the differences?  How important and beneficial for us to be reminded that God speaks to all people regardless of man-made barriers, whether language, cultures, generations, or borders.  Let us pray that our hearts and minds will always be open and ready to listen.
When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, 
the moon and the stars that you have established; 
what are human beings that you are mindful of them,
 mortals that you care for them?
 – Psalm 8:3,4
Through the changing seasons of the year and of our lives, may each of us take a moment to give thanks for each new day, for the possibilities it holds, and to know that God is beside us at all times.
Your friend in Christ,
Mary Rogers

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