Devotional – April 20, 2018

The Seven (Plus) Wonders of the World

“When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have established; what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them?

    You have made them a little lower than God, and crowned them with glory and honor.  You have given them dominion over the works of your hands; you have put all things under their feet, . . .”        (Psalm 8:3-6a)

The writer of these verses in Psalm 8 paints a beautiful picture with his words, as we are transported to a wide-open space on a crystal-clear night, and looking up, we see the endless expanse of sky with the moon, stars, and planets sparkling above us.  Many of us are dazzled at this sight, but then we wonder what, indeed, are humans that the all-powerful Creator God can be bothered to even notice, much less care, for them?

It’s usually good for us to be kept at least a little humble, and in the presence of the vastness of the sky, the waters, the mountains, or our beautiful, open plains, we have a fair number of opportunities to remember that we aren’t all that big and important.  Fortunately, the question is answered, as the psalmist understands that humans were created in God’s image, and serve an important purpose.  Having “dominion” over the creation means we are called to be good stewards, to be thoughtful in our use of the resources available to us.  So we have a balance — God cares for us and values us, as we are his beloved children, and with this status comes the responsibility of caring for all creation.

For many years, a list of the “Seven Wonders of the World” has included structures such as the Great Wall of China, the Taj Mahal, Machu Pichu (Peru), the Colosseum in Rome, Christ the Redeemer statue (Brazil), and ancient cities in Mexico and Jordan.  These are, of course, creations of humans.  Then I saw a variation of the list, which included to touch, taste, see, hear, feel, laugh, and love.  I also looked up the seven natural wonders, but it included places I hadn’t even heard of, much less seen, so I couldn’t work up much interest in it.

It looks like there are lists of seven in any category you can devise, so how about some “audience participation” this week?  What are the wonders in your life?  There are probably many that we have in common, as there are wonders that are spiritual, others are physical, or emotional or intellectual — there’s a great variety of subjects.  I’ll toss out a few of the wonders I can identify: those I love and who love me;  the knowledge, comfort and inspiration found in God’s Word; the assurance of forgiveness and salvation.  Let’s share a few thoughts and understandings, and we can all be enriched and have our horizons broadened.  I wonder . . . .


Your friend in Christ,

Mary Rogers

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