Devotional – February 23, 2018

“There’s an App for That”

There are times when it seems that our electronic devices can do whatever we need to have done, answer our questions, and assist us in any and every way possible.  We might occasionally wonder if we’re getting a little too dependent on these gadgets, but they’re just so handy!  Tapping an icon and typing in a couple of words, and we can check on the weather, baseball scores, news headlines, get directions, or find the words to that tune that’s stuck in our head.  We can’t help but become attached to something that saves us so much time and effort.

How would you like to have access to a spiritual app?  Wouldn’t it be helpful to click an icon that would give you reassurance, comfort, encouragement, and expressions of joy and gratitude?  Well, there is such a thing, but you can’t do it with the click of a key or two, and have it automatically spring up on the screen of a smart phone, I pad or computer.  It will take some effort and thought, but the advantage is, it can be individualized and customized to any person’s unique needs.

The sources for this app are foundational to our Christian faith.  Throughout the Bible, there are words that speak to every human condition, and provide us with information, direction, and inspiration.  If we are overwhelmed, anxious or frightened, Psalm 46 promises us that God is our refuge and protector.  When we are filled with joy and gratitude, Psalm 100 will help us express ourselves.  If we don’t know how to treat one another, Matthew 25:34-40 directly quotes Jesus, telling us that whenever we minister to the neediest and most humble, we minister to him.  Any time we wonder if there are circumstances that can come between us and God, we can turn to Romans 8:28-38, and be assured unequivocally that nothing can separate us from the love of God.  Any questions about being saved are answered in Ephesians 2:8-10, “for by grace you have been saved through faith . . .”  And how are we to live in community?  Ephesians 4:32 keeps it simple:  “. . . and be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you.” 

Any time we need instructions in the fundamentals of our faith, the best place to start is with Luther’s Small Catechism.  The clear, straightforward explanations of the Ten Commandments, the Apostles’ Creed, and the Lord’s Prayer are not for use by confirmation students only.  We can reread and relearn them to our ongoing benefit.  Consider the Creed, our statement of belief that God is our Creator, that Jesus, God’s Son, is truly human and truly divine, and that the Holy Spirit brings us together in God’s holy church.

What would you include in your personal spiritual app?  Is there a Psalm that speaks to you, words of Jesus that bear you up even in the worst of times, or some of Paul’s solid, faith-filled encouragement to the struggling?


Sharing the Lenten journey,

Mary Rogers

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