Devotional – November 17, 2017

Simple . . . But Not Easy

It’s that time of year when a pot of soup simmering on the stove certainly makes a house feel (and smell) extra homey.  Anyone walking in the door stops to take an appreciative sniff of the fragrant blend of vegetables and seasonings.  Last week at our house it was time for vegetable beef soup, and as I peeled, chopped, sliced and diced, I had a little time to reflect.  The hands were busy, but the brain was not overly challenged.

It’s a simple soup – it doesn’t include unusual, exotic ingredients or require a complicated, time-consuming process, but there’s work involved nonetheless.  By the time all the veggies are prepared and simmering in a bubbling broth, it’s time to rest my tired feet and enjoy the results of my efforts.  Simple, yes – easy, not totally.

Following the teachings of Jesus sounds simple.  We’re told to follow the commandments – worship only God, honor our parents, do not steal, cheat, lie, murder, or covet.  These are clear and straightforward – so why is it so hard for humans to obey them?  We might answer that it’s because we are human, because these are very high standards by which to live.  Jesus also teaches us to feed the hungry, visit those in prison, care for the sick and others in need, because by doing so, we are ministering to our Lord himself.  And yet, we find these simple instructions are not that easy to follow.  We wonder just which sick people we should provide with care, which hungry folks we should help with food resources, what kinds of needs really deserve our financial support or our volunteer time and energy.

In the Gospel of Mark, Chapter 9, we read of a man who asked Jesus what he needed to do to inherit eternal life.  When Jesus told him, “You know the commandments . . .” he responded that he had kept them since his youth.  Then Jesus said, “You lack one thing; go, sell what you own, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.”  Upon hearing this, the young man was shocked and went away grieving, for he had many possessions.

This little story has puzzled me, as the man is given a choice between selling or keeping his possessions.  It sounds simple – after all, treasure in heaven is surely a great reward for disposing of earthly goods, and think of how many people would be helped with the proceeds!  However, we learn that the man was so attached to his possessions that he was unable to imagine following Jesus’ instructions.  Simple did not equate easy, as he did not own his possessions as much as they owned him.

This story helps us to understand that although the choices we make in our lives may appear simple, it’s quite possible they are not especially easy.  When we struggle for direction, we are blessed to find guidance in the words of our Lord, and are assured that he will lead us in the right way.


Your friend in Christ,

Mary Rogers

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