Devotional – October 13, 2017

Grace Freely Bestowed

“He destined us for adoption as his children through Jesus Christ, according to the good pleasure of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace that he freely bestowed on us in the Beloved.”    

(Ephesians 1:5-6)


Any time you need an image of pure, unbridled joy, just find a video of a child welcoming his or her parent home from an overseas deployment.  The running, leaping hugs, the shrieks, and the tears of relief  are enough to give anyone a lump in the throat and a teary-eyed smile.  Watching such an intimate, personal event I’ve  felt a little intrusive, but then it occurred to me that these families share these return occasions because that much happiness can’t be contained within a small group.

I recently heard a story of another joyful celebration that could be described as a homecoming as well.  Eleven-year-old Tannah and her younger sister and brother had been in foster care for two years, and their foster parents had applied to adopt them. At long last a court date was set, and they would learn the judge’s decision.  All three of the children were in school that day, but Tannah was so anxious and wound up about what was going to happen, that when the parents received approval, the foster mom called the school and asked the office manager to tell Tannah the good news.  This lovely, motherly woman did just that, and she was nearly bowled over by a huge, jumping hug from the happiest child in the world.  Later, along with her beaming siblings, Tannah expressed herself very well: “We will be together forever.”  To not have a family of your own, and then to learn that you’re going to be part of a forever family with parents you already love has to be to have your greatest hope realized.

Biblical references to adoption are an indicator of what an ancient practice it is.  Moses was adopted as a baby by the Pharaoh’s sister, and became the one who led the people of Israel out of slavery and into the Promised Land.  Adoption often took place when children were orphaned or couples were childless, creating stable families and communities.  In the quote above, Paul uses a familiar expression to tell us that God chooses and adopts us as his children through Jesus Christ.

Picture yourself wondering what was in your future, unsure, uncertain, but hopeful.  And then you walked into church and you heard the wonderful news that you had, indeed, been adopted into God’s forever family.  How would you react: laughing, crying, hugging, falling to your knees in gratitude?  It can be easy to take our status as family members for granted, but we have cause for celebration every day, in thanks for God’s gift of grace so freely given.  Furthermore, we are blessed to have the opportunity to share this good news with those who desperately need to hear that there is room for them in the family circle of grace and love.


Your friend in Christ,

Mary Rogers

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