Devotional – July 21, 2017

Weeds and Seeds

The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field.  But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away.  When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.”   – Matthew 13:24b-26

Occasionally, people visiting the church will spot me out in one of the many planting beds pulling weeds.  It is pretty much a never-ending (and losing) battle from May to September.  Contrary to the text in this week’s Gospel reading, we do more transplanting than seeding, and I don’t believe someone comes under the cloak of darkness and plants all these weeds.  Except for the thistles, which I believe have arrived courtesy of the wintering birds from nearby Thistle Seed Feeders, weeds are simply part of the natural soil.  Mulch and fabric cloth help to reduce their impact, but as they say, “You don’t need a Green Thumb to grow weeds.”

Last week, Pastor Zach helped us better understand the “Parable of the Four Soils”.  God is not reckless or wasteful by spreading seed across all types of soil because God has an endless supply of seed (grace) that is offered freely, regardless of perceived (worldly) “quality”.  And we are not just one type of soil either.  As the dust we came from, we all can become hardened (like a path) or self-absorbed (like rocky places) or distracted by other priorities (thorns and weeds).  Like it or not, it is all part of being human.  The real question is, “What to do when this happens?”

There have been times when I thought the only solution was to dig up the entire garden and start again.  However, over time, the weeds will reappear.  God tried this too, during the time of Noah, and had similar results so I don’t feel too alone!  Another option might be to till the soil every day.  However, spending all the time looking for weeds to remove doesn’t leave much time to enjoy the plants that are growing.

As time passes (and my body ages, and the summers get hotter!), I have started to accept weeds as a fact of life.  Weeding isn’t a job I will ever “complete”,  just as there is no way to obtain salvation by simply following the Law.  Each winter I’m given Grace and Forgiveness (rest), and a fresh start each spring.  Water is needed to feed thirsty plants, yet the rain falls on the weeds as well.  Occasional pruning and cultivating make a garden stronger and healthier (and even look better).  But it is a cycle – a life cycle.

And then, suddenly, we realize we aren’t talking about an external garden anymore but, instead, we are looking at ourselves in a mirror.

Thanks be to God!

David Krueger

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