Devotional – June 16, 2017

“Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it!”  – Mark Twain


The weather has surely been the subject of conversation this past week, as we huff and puff our way through days of extremely high temps for the second week in June.  Many of us find ourselves wondering if there’s really any relevance to the phrase, “for this time of year,” any more. “Typical” June days – mostly mild and balmy – may no longer be typical.

We’re so used to controlling our surroundings that less than comfortable or convenient weather is a little irritating – what a hassle to have to get into a car that is baking hot from sitting in the sun – or conversely, icy cold and stiff from spending the day in a wintry parking lot.  But so far, all we’ve been able to actually do in relation to the weather is talk about it.  It does help a little, of course, to be able to grumble a little and have others agree wholeheartedly.

People talk about a wide variety of subjects – often at great length – but also do nothing.  The big, scary issues of world hunger, creatures and environments that are at risk, hatred expressed in acts of terrorism, and many others, are as overwhelming as an approaching tornado or tidal wave.  We feel small and weak in the face of world-wide problems and conflicts.  We’re tempted to throw up our hands in despair, saying, “It’s too much for me – I can’t possibly do anything that will make a difference!”

And it is too much for me, for you, for any one person.  But we are not alone, blundering about, just trying to make it from one day to the next.  We have the loving power of God to direct and strengthen us, and as we join with others to feed the hungry, care for the sick, advocate for the disenfranchised, and raise our voices against injustice, we can make a difference.  We may not see a global change, but we are God’s people and he speaks and works through us in the way he chooses.

When the disciples set off on the dusty roads that took them from town to town, they had no money, no education, no prestige, nothing of worldly value.  But they carried with them the message that God had sent his Son, the true Messiah, who had walked among them teaching, preaching, and healing, who died for the sins of all and rose from the dead.  Jesus told them that he would be with them always, and those words are meant for us, as well.  So let us follow in the steps of those who heard and followed Jesus’ call, confident that whatever we do in the name of God’s love makes a difference.


Your friend in Christ,

Mary Rogers

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