Devotional – February 17, 2017

Finding The Sacred In All Things

Phrases like ‘big picture’, ‘reach for the stars’, and ‘aim high’ are meant to encourage us to look beyond ourselves and achieve greatness. While I admire and respect those who embody these expansive ideals, I rarely find myself in circumstances where they apply to me! My world often seems small, but not in a bad way. In fact, I have found that narrowing my focus and concentrating on what is right in front of me gives me a very special connection with God.

Some of the most meaningful lessons I have ever learned have been in the most mundane moments. Taking a shower and suddenly being amazed at the abundance of clean water available to me. Doing laundry and finding myself teary with gratefulness at the ridiculous amount of clothing my small family possesses. Bringing food and water to my chickens and finding a warm, freshly laid egg in the nesting box. A tiny miracle that can nourish my body, but more importantly brings my distracted mind back to the everyday.

One of my Grandpa’s favorite hymns was “His Eye Is On the Sparrow”. I love thinking of him when I see those ordinary, everyday birds munching seeds on my feeder. God loves those plain, common sparrows as much as he loves the spectacular peacock or the rare Ivory Billed Woodpecker. Just like God is pleased and the world is blessed when I lovingly pet my cat, prayerfully prepare a meal, or carefully transplant a seedling. I can serve God, serve my fellow humans, serve the earth, in tiny ways that mean a lot to me; and maybe to the earth, my fellow humans, and to God.

As much as the grand, impressive acts catch our attention and draw our admiration, let’s not dismiss the sacred moments that are available to us in our everyday lives. I am making an effort to see God in these small events, ordinary situations, casual encounters. The closer I look, the more amazed I become, at how detailed and intricate our Creator can be. The things that seem so plain and ordinary in our lives can hold sacred truths and connections if we make the effort to look. God is great, but God is also in all things, great and small.



Susan Gray

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