Devotional – January 22, 2016

Second Chance

We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. – Romans 8:28

I’m especially fond of the Book of Romans, and have found many meaningful, comforting, and inspirational passages in these letters of Paul to the new Christian churches of Rome.  It is written with eloquence and passion, yet doesn’t go over people’s heads in flights of scholarly theology.  The apostle Paul was able to communicate the message of the Gospel, encourage individuals in their faith, and address issues of congregational life in his writings.

Paul urged these new Christians to be steadfast and strong in their faith, reminding them that every one is unique to God, who has a purpose for them, and they needed to trust that God could  make all things work together for good.

I’m in touch with friends and family through the convenience of e-mail, including a number of high school classmates.  One of “the girls” enjoys staying in touch with notes, newsy bits, sometimes a cartoon, and she sends these off to a number of us fairly often.

Recently, a note from her turned up in the in-box, and I was stunned to read her account of why we hadn’t heard from her for a couple of weeks.  She had been extremely sick — 5 days in the ICU, in very serious condition, from sepsis — a blood infection that affects the entire body and is often fatal.  She was very  matter of fact in telling about it, and it was apparent she had been desperately ill. Then she closed by saying, “Most people die from this, and I could have gone either way, but apparently God still has plans for me as I’m still here.”

She added some good news about health problems of her son and great-granddaughter, and then closed with, “God is so good — we are hoping the rest of the year will be a healthy one and we wish the same for you and your family.  Happy New Year.”

I felt privileged to read this witness of faith in the goodness of God. I find this statement very meaningful, coming as it does from someone who went through so much and yet is so grateful.  Believing you have been given a second chance in life would surely lead you to feel “called according to God’s purpose.”

Your friend in Christ,
Mary Rogers

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