Devotional – November 6, 2015

“They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything–all she had to live on.” Mark 12:44

In Mark’s story of the widow’s offering we hear one of Jesus’ most common themes in a slightly different light. Jesus spoke about money and wealth throughout his ministry, and had strong words for those who hoarded wealth or disregarded those in need. In this case he brings our attention to the poor woman who gives her meager offering amongst the large and showy offerings of the rich.

The widow gets Jesus’ attention not for the quantity of her gift, but for the quality of those two small coins. This woman was truly sacrificing; she would feel the lack of what those coins could buy. The rich who gave out of their wealth did not sacrifice their wealth, and only highlighted their phoniness by making a public display of their large offerings.

During this time of year we talk a lot about our abundance, and how thankful we are for all that we have. Mark’s story reminds us to focus on what we are giving, rather than what we are keeping. God has given us not only his Son–an astonishing sacrifice–but gifts of our talents and abilities, our valuable time, and our money and possessions. What do we seek with all these treasures? Jesus gives us the example of the widow to help us keep our eyes on what is truly important, and not to be distracted by the temptations of pride, greed and power. No matter how small our gifts may seem, God knows the true measure of our sacrifices and gives us the grace to make them.

Susan Gray

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