Devotional – October 16, 2015

The Family That Prays Together . . .

“Lord, listen to your children praying.  Lord, send Your spirit in this place;
 Lord, listen to your children praying.  Send us love, send us power, send us grace.”
ELW, #752, “Lord, Listen to Your Children”

Sometimes, unexpectedly, you experience a moment of beauty, a sense of togetherness, and a feeling of God’s presence in an almost tangible way.  Last Sunday, as the Prayers of Intercession were prayed, instead of the usual spoken response, we sang a sweet melody and the simple lines quoted above.  It was a creative change from the usual spoken response, and as we sang following each petition, the atmosphere became quieter, more reverent, truly prayerful.  There was a softness to the atmosphere, the gentleness of being enfolded into the spirit of the words and music. Together, we were asking God to hear us, to understand us, to be present in our midst.  The prayer closes with these eloquent words of benediction: “Into your hands, O Lord, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in your mercy . . .”

There is no substitute for congregational worship.  To share that lovely moment last Sunday as a church family, and to come together to worship, to praise, to thank, and to turn to God is a gift and a blessing.  There are as many reasons for being part of a congregation as there are individual members.  We have opportunities for service within an organization we trust and with whose goals we agree. We have a place to meet people and develop friendships with those who share your values.  We can take part in music, and there are learning (and teaching) activities for all ages. Worship, of course,  is the center of it all, as we are inspired and equipped to live as God’s faithful people.

But most significantly, when the moment occurs and we prayerfully sing together, “Lord, send your spirit in this place” the uniqueness of being part of a faith community is made beautifully evident.   We are part of God’s family.  Regardless of age or stage in life, we are his beloved children.  We are always welcome in this home, where God sends his love, his power, and his grace.

Your friend in Christ,
Mary Rogers

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