Devotional – October 2, 2015

Pay Attention!

Very few days go by in which we don’t hear the phrase, “distracted driving.”  It’s often cited as the cause of car accidents, and is definitely the cause of conflict between those who are paying attention and those who aren’t.  Most of us are probably guilty at least once in a while, in just a minor way, of being somewhat distracted when behind the wheel.  To be honest, is it only “once in a while, a minor way, or somewhat”?  It’s easy to overestimate our ability to multitask while driving.  Seeing a demonstration of just how quickly the lack of attention can lead to loss of control is alarming — we aren’t very good at judging the safety of looking away “for just a minute.”

It’s easy to draw a parallel between distracted driving and distracted living.  So many things in our world are clamoring for our attention.  We try to prioritize, to balance the needs of jobs, families, and other responsibilities and commitments.  Life simply has its challenges, and we don’t want to go through days, months, and years of only superficially relating to our loved ones, or missing out on opportunities and experiences that only come along at rare times.  In determining what is truly important, we need to have some self-awareness, to be mindful of what our values are, as well as what we need to filter out.

There is guidance in the Bible to which we can turn.  The Book of Proverbs is filled with words of wisdom showing us the way to live a quality life in relationship to God, as well as practical advice on how to conduct oneself harmoniously within the family and the community.  My child, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments (Proverbs 3:1)  Additionally, we read instructions similar to the Ten Commandments, with more detail and also including family life: Listen, children, to a father’s instruction, and be attentive, that you may gain insight  (4:1)  These words are ageless:  No one finds security by wickedness, but the root of the righteous will never be moved. (12:3)

The precepts set forth in the book of Proverbs show up in many of Jesus’ teachings,  The Gospel of Matthew, chapters 5 – 7, includes the Beatitudes, The Lord’s Prayer and The Golden Rule, along with one illustration after another of how to live as God’s people on this earth.  Consider spending some time with these two books and you’ll have no trouble discovering a number of interesting parallels.

God’s Word is a gift in so many ways — we can find inspiration, instruction, reassurance, and the promise of eternal faithfulness and love.  It also gives us an important reminder — Don’t get distracted and end up in a crash!

Your friend in Christ,
Mary Rogers

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