Devotional – June 12, 2015

ACME Solutions

One of my favorite cartoons featured two polar opposite characters locked in a never-ending desert conflict for survival.  Of course I am referring to the free-spirited Road Runner and its counterpart Wile E. Coyote.  Every scene pitted the seemingly clueless bird against some diabolically complex plan hatched by the “Super Genius” coyote, often utilizing high-tech devices purchased from the ACME Corporation, which would guarantee it a tasty meal.  That is, as long as everything went according to the plan!

This week we hear a short Old Testament reading from Ezekiel 17:22-24 in which the Sovereign LORD says, “I myself will take a shoot from the very top of a cedar tree and plant it.”  I was intrigued enough to seek out the context from which this reading was selected, so I read all of chapter 17.  It turns out that these cedar trees of Lebanon were revered by many ancient societies for their towering strength and usefulness which contrast the often parched and barren desert landscape.  These mighty trees are referenced in numerous Psalms, and even appear as the central symbol on the Lebanese flag.

I also discovered this reading parallels the insight provided in Proverbs 19:21

“Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.”

I think this expression is more accurate than the popular tagline of “People plan.  God laughs.”  Yes, sometimes we do make silly mistakes.  But I believe that many times God actually cries over the plans we come up with; especially when we attach God’s name without really consulting God through prayer!

However, having a plan is very important.  God has a plan for each of us and it is up to us to seek guidance when making and executing “our” plans.  Personally, I do not believe God has a single, unchanging plan.  I take comfort in believing that no matter what plan I make, however well-intentioned it may be, God always provides a path from that point to heaven.  No mistake is irreversible through the love and grace of God.  We can still reach the destination even if our personal choices (or choices of others) make the journey a bit longer and harder.

I saw this inspirational statement online and thought; with a slight modification it could be even better!

“If Plan A fails, don’t panic.  [God still has] 25 more letters to go!”

Keep Christ in your heart and in your dreams!

In Christ,
David Krueger

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