Devotional – January 2, 2015

Which Gospel Book Are You?

John 1:1 – In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.1

It seems that every time I open Facebook these days, I see another one of those Personal Traits surveys.  “What season are you?”  “What color are you?”  “What Disney Princess are you?” “What planet are you?”  “What mystic seaport are you?”  Well, I think there should be one about the Gospels!

For most of my life, I’d have considered myself a “Luke” person.  Birth in a manger. Shepherds and angels.  Wisemen (okay, maybe a little Matthew tossed in for good measure).  Facts, rationale, and real-world images that I could relate to.  Lately, however, I have become a huge fan of the “Gospel of John”, and I highly recommend it to those who fondly remember their Christmas Pageants but feel there is something much deeper going on this season.

“The Word, the source and absolute truth, has been with us since the dawn of creation.”

God did not create this world and then move on.  God has remained with us, surrounding us in this material world.  “In him was life, and that life was the light (goodness) of humankind.  It shown through the darkness, the struggles in our lives and yet, while we could perceive it, we could not comprehend it.”

So, to help open our eyes “John was sent as a witness, a messenger, proclaiming the Light (the source of true life) was coming down to meet us here where we live.”  Yet, when Jesus did arrive, it was not with pomp and fanfare, lightning and thunder, or royal majesty.  “He came to his own but they saw no light, except what appeared to them as a distant star.” No castle or home or inn was waiting; just a lowly stable.  “Yet, to those lowly shepherds and outcasts, to those who sought him out, to those who felt the warmth of his light, this newborn child gave birth to them and claimed them as children of God.”

“And, as both immortal and mortal, he shared his earthly life with us.”  He spread light throughout the dark corners of the world.  “He did not come to open our eyes to the Law, for we knew that we have sinned.  Instead, he came as a blessing onto us with grace to forgive and truth to guide.”

Each gospel author has their own audience and their own style, but the goal is the same – to tell others about this “Good News”.  That same responsibility rests on each of us today. So it really does make sense to have you consider, “Which gospel book are you?”

“Through him all things were made” and through him all have been saved!  Thanks be to God!
David Krueger

1 Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NIV. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House.
All rights reserved.  Verses 2-18 are paraphrased throughout the text.

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