Devotional – November 7, 2014

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin which clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith . . .”
Hebrews 12:1, 2a

Reflecting on last Sunday’s All Saints’ Day worship, the imagery of the “great cloud of witnesses” has always intrigued me.  It creates a picture in my mind of all those Christians, from ancient times to more recent, who supported us in our faith journeys in many and unique ways.  In a departure from our usual themes in worship, our music and scripture make references to saints, to the ones who have gone before us, both those  personally close to us and those who are known to us through history.  It’s a special time in which we specifically give thanks for the people who have made it possible for us to worship, to learn, and to live lives so filled with blessings.

Consider for a few minutes the “cloud of witnesses” in your own life.  You probably had some good examples to follow, the people who may have taught you with words, and others who taught by the way they lived their lives.  If anyone had told these parents, grandparents, teachers, neighbors, or others that they were saints, they would probably have laughed and thought that was pretty over the top.  But what we learn from real people are what make the lessons and principals we learn from the teachings of Jesus take on life and meaning.  They got up every day and ran the race that was set before them, persevering because they looked to Jesus, the source of their faith and their strength.

It’s truly a blessing to be able to look at both our personal saints and those for which we as a community of believers are grateful.  Our lives as Christians in this century and the world as it is today are profoundly influenced by the people God used to further his kingdom and to do his work on earth.  May each of us be inspired and made determined to run the race with perseverance, knowing that we are not alone!

Your friend in Christ,
Mary Rogers

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