Devotional – July 11, 2014

We had a birthday party at our house last night.  It wasn’t elaborate, didn’t involve a lot of people, no fancy gifts were given.  But it was just what the birthday person wanted,  so that’s all that mattered.  We sat around the old round oak table, eating, laughing, and simply enjoying being together, and I had one of those moments of gratitude and awareness of how richly blessed we are.  Our family has used this table for over 30 years, and it was old when we got it.  That table has been the center of a lot of family life, not only for us, but those who used it before. There have been other birthday and holiday celebrations, family meals, homework sessions, game times, messy, painty, glittery artistic projects, and a few important discussions.

Throughout the Bible, we read of people coming together around tables.  When Jesus and the disciples went into Jerusalem at the time of Passover, Matthew 26 tells us they gathered around a table.   Jesus blessed the bread, broke it, and gave it to the disciples, then gave thanks for the wine and gave it to them as well.  Jesus took the simple act of sitting together for a meal, and through his words and actions instituted the Lord’s Supper.  Luke 24:20 tells us of Jesus’ appearance to two of his disciples after his resurrection, and they did not recognize him.  But when he sat at the table with them, blessed the bread and broke it, they realized it was their Lord.

We have a table around which we gather as a church family.  We hear, “given for you . . . shed for you,” and are connected by these words not only to one another within our congregation, but to Christians around the world, our brothers and sisters sharing the bread, the wine, and the words of promise from Jesus himself.  We are always welcomed, with love and forgiveness, at our Lord’s table.  When we are here, we are always home.

Your friend in Christ,
Mary Rogers

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