Devotional – June 6, 2014

Fresh Breath

Before moving to Cedar Rapids, we lived in Denver, Colorado (Littleton actually) for almost 10 years.  From our back yard you could see the buildings downtown – well, except on a “Brown Cloud” day.  But head west into the foothill towards the Continental Divide and it was always the proverbial “breath of fresh air”: crisp, clean, and refreshing.

I believe the Spirit of God, the Breath of Life, and the Holy Spirit are all conceptually intertwined.  In Genesis, we read how God “spoke” and created this new world of light and life.  “The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.”  [Genesis 2:7]  Breathing is essential to life.  It is the first thing a child does once they are born; and when it leaves us, we die.

As we celebrate the Day of Pentecost, consider how the words of Joel “and afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people” have been fulfilled.  The Gospels tell us that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit.  Matthew says that, when Jesus was baptized with water, the Spirit of God descended onto him and drove him “into the desert” (perhaps a metaphor for beginning his mission is a world alienated from God).  Luke records his last words from the cross, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit” after which he breathed his last.  But it doesn’t end there!  After the resurrection, John tells us how Jesus breathed on the disciples and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.  As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”

At birth, we received the “breath of life,” a free gift from God to sustain us through this world.  In baptism, we received the “breath of eternal life,” another free gift from God through Jesus Christ.  While on earth, Jesus showed us how to listen to and follow the Holy Spirit.  That same Spirit now dwells in each of us, leading us and guiding us; encouraging us to be a “breath of fresh air” to others.

Over a year ago I discovered a piece of music that I’ve been [patiently] waiting to share as a music offering on this special day.  I found the text by Carmen Scialla to be quite meaningful, so I’d like to share a portion with you:

“Come down to us, O Holy Spirit.  Dwell in our hearts with love anew.  Come and awaken us, inspire us and shake us!”

May the Holy Spirit awaken and inspire us to serve others in His name.

Thanks be to God!
David Krueger

Maybe next year’s “Breath of the Living God

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